On October 11, 2022, Coast Mental Health, and its Board of Directors, welcomes Keir Macdonald as its new Chief Executive Officer.  

Keir brings his creativity and a practical approach to navigating the complexity of community health services, mental health supports, addictions, government affairs and the non-profit sector.  

“We are pleased to welcome Keir to the Coast Team,” says Anil Singh Board Chair.  “Keir is a trusted, respected and experienced executive leader who will be a strong voice in advocacy for mental health as he leads Coast through a time where there is an unprecedented need for mental health housing and support.” 

Keir believes that the non-profit sector is a creative space where innovation can flourish. He’s energized by working with community builders to develop strategies that bring vital programs to people in recovery. 

With a strong interest in social justice and human rights, Keir continues to be a passionate advocate for vulnerable populations. As a leader, he prioritizes building meaningful connections with those he works with and has a history of developing and guiding teams through times of change and growth. 

“Creating real change in our communities requires working in partnerships,” says Keir Macdonald. “Organizations who work together can tackle issues that lie beyond the scope of any single organization – issues such as poverty, climate change, homelessness, and mental health. When we provide services that address individual needs, it’s amazing to see what happens, people thrive.” 

Keir leaves his position as CEO with Phoenix Drug & Alcohol Recovery and Education Society. Prior to this leadership role, Keir held leadership roles with BC Housing and Lookout Housing & Health Society.  

Keir succeeds Darrell Burnham who is set to retire at the end of 2022.  The board is working closely with both leaders to ensure a successful transition occurs.  


Media Contact: 

Susan Hancock
Senior Manager, Communications & Community Development
M: 604-230-2267
E: susan.hancock@coastmentalhealthtest.kimboagency.com