News Release:

Vancouver, B.C. – On June 10, 2022, Coast Mental Health celebrates its 50th anniversary in delivering mental health services that makes ‘The Difference’ in many communities across Greater Vancouver.

Street banners are raised today in the Mount Pleasant (Main Street and Kingsway) community to recognize the contributions of Coast Mental Health, and its ongoing efforts to advocate for, and support, the mental health community.

Our 50th anniversary celebration captures ‘The Difference’ we make by being in your neighbourhood. These two words encapsulate Coast Mental Health’s important role in providing services to support people in recovery.

Mental illness can be diagnosed at any age, and at least one in five British Columbians will be impacted in their lifetime. 

Yet, there are many neighbourhoods that lack community-based supports for people living with mental health disorders.  For the next 10+ years, Coast Mental Health is committed to building housing, supports, training and employment opportunities that encourage healthy and inclusive communities.

This milestone anniversary is a tribute to Coast Mental Health’s humble beginnings as a small grassroots non-profit founded in 1972. Over time, we’ve grown into one of the largest non-profits and registered charities serving the community of mental health, with over 5,000+ people served every year.  

Celebrating our golden anniversary allows us to acknowledge the many people, groups and organizations that continue to support our mission.

This includes our past and present volunteer board members who have shared their endless passion and professional expertise to help us expand our reach.  

“We thank our many partners for their ongoing support, says Darrell Burnham, CEO, Coast Mental Health. “These valued partnerships include government agencies, academic institutions, community groups, clients and their caregivers, and many dedicated volunteers. We are so grateful for our generous supporters and donors who provide the funding to allow us to provide enhanced and innovative programs that we would otherwise not be able to offer.”

To learn more about our history in building community health services, and our many achievements along the way, please visit our website at


Media Contact:

Susan Hancock
Senior Manager, Communications & Community Development
Coast Mental Health
T: 604-230-2267